

4 Kerkira
131 Katherine Street

Reg No: 2015/159822/07

Invoice Number INV-0630
Order Number Ronel
Invoice Date September 2, 2023
Total Due R180.00
Mrs Rose
Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
4 Names on robes

Here's the details for the embroidery:
3 x green floral robes embroidery:
(1) Placement: front chest
Embroidery Text: Khodani
Embroidery Colour: emerald-green (Send image for approval)
Font: cursive

(2) Placement: front chest
Embroidery Text: Mavhungu
Embroidery Colour: emerald-green (Send image for approval)
Font: cursive

(3) Placement: front chest
Embroidery Text: Reotshepile
Embroidery Colour: emerald-green (Send image for approval)
Font: cursive

Here's the details for the embroidery:
1 x Off-white robe embroidery:
Placement: back
Embroidery Text: Bride
Embroidery Colour: White (Send image for approval to see how the white will look on the off white)
Font: cursive

Sub Total R180.00
Tax R0.00
Total Due R180.00